TiMBL is an open source software package implementing several memory-based learning algorithms, among which IB1-IG, an implementation of k-nearest neighbor classification with feature weighting suitable for symbolic feature spaces, and IGTree, a decision-tree approximation of IB1-IG. All implemented algorithms have in common that they store some representation of the training set explicitly in memory. During testing, new cases are classified by extrapolation from the most similar stored cases.

Provided tools & services


Memory-based Learning Library with API for C++
  • Software Library
Executable name


Memory-based learner, command-line tool
  • Command-line Application
Executable name

Tool suite: TiMBL

The following closely related tools are in a tool suite together with TiMBL:

  • Experimental: The technology is implemented and ready for experimental settings (beta), but requires further work and validation.
  • Active: The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

python3-timbl 2020.6.8

Python 3 language binding for the Tilburg Memory-Based Learner [view more]
  • Scientific/Engineering
  • Text Processing > Linguistic
  • k-nearest-neighbours
  • knn
  • machine-learning
  • python
  • timbl
  • Bsd
  • Linux
  • Macos
  • Python
Created: 2013-02-11
Modified: 2020-06-08



Please use one of the above reference publications to cite the software, if you want to cite the software directly, you can use the following citation generated from the metadata:

TiMBL 6.9 .
  • Centre for Language and Speech Technology

Logs & Reviews

Automatic software metadata validation report for TiMBL 6.9
  • codemetapy validator using software.ttl
2024-09-16 03:15:59
Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems

Validation of TiMBL 6.9 was successful (score=3/5), but there are some warnings which should be addressed:

1. Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
2. Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?)
3. Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata)
4. Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
(log file starts at Mon Sep 16 03:15:54 UTC 2024)

[harvester info] --> Processing timbl (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl) [Mon Sep 16 03:15:54 UTC 2024]

[harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl...

[harvester info] Found release v6.9

[harvester info] Using 'v6.9'

[harvester info] Git reference: v6.9

[harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/timbl for harvestable resources...

[harvester info] found codemeta.json for timbl (md5sum 454cef36cf48c1fbd1da16f8c199c3b0); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!**

[harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)...

[harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active

[harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch...

[harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch...

[harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch...

[harvester info] Setting group TiMBL

[harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy  --baseuri https://tools.dev.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.dev.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "timbl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.timbl.codemeta.json 

-- begin log --

Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types...

Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json')]

Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle

Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl

Processing source #1 of 4

Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbl.codemeta.json

    NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...

    Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl

[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2

Processing source #2 of 4

Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.timbl.codemeta.json

    Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl

[CODEMETA CORRECTION (timbl)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:///

[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (timbl)] processed 131 new triples, total is now 131

Processing source #3 of 4

Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.timbl.codemeta.json

    Found main resource with URI https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot

    Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl

[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (timbl)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 144

Processing source #4 of 4

Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.timbl.codemeta.json

    NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically...

    Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl

[CODEMETA COMPOSITION (timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 145

Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl -> https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9


[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/stub/H-d1d67372f19e3df as contributor

[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2493-656X as contributor

[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/stub/H51c86faba0642e71 as contributor

[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor

[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/stub/H-50f9dd21d5a4dad4 as contributor

[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/stub/H04cf5efa2f3cae24 as contributor

[CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer

VALIDATION https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)

VALIDATION https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?)

VALIDATION https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata)

VALIDATION https://tools.dev.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)

-- end log --

[harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/timbl.codemeta.json

[harvester info] <-- Finished processing timbl (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl) [Mon Sep 16 03:15:59 UTC 2024]


Metadata Properties

6.9 (release notes)
Interface types
  • Command-line Application
  • Software Library
Software website
Source code repository
 https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl  Stars are an indicator of the popularity of this project on GitHub
  • decision tree
  • k-nearest neighbours
  • knn
  • machine learning
  • memory based learning
  • natural language processing
  • nlp
Development Status
  • Active: The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
Issue Tracker (Support)
https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl/issues  The number of open issues on the issue tracker  The number of closes issues on the issue tracker
Programming Language
  • C++
Continuous Integration Tests
Operating System
  • BSD
  • Linux
  • macOS
Software dependencies
  • ticcutils
  • libxml2
Metadata validation
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆